At the MCLA meeting on Thursday, June 26, 2024, Lt. Mike Polich of the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Dept. will give us a brief presentation on their Boat Patrol program.
The Manitowoc Sheriff’s boat patrol unit provides education and enforcement to those utilizing the waterways within Manitowoc County. These include the rivers and inland lakes, as well as Lake Michigan. The primary focus of recreational patrol units is to provide education to those utilizing the Manitowoc County waterways to ensure an enjoyable experience for all and provide enforcement to help keep everyone safe while in a boat. Common Violations are Registration Issues, Boater Safety Certificate and Slow/No Wake violations.
- During 2022, the Manitowoc Sheriff’s Office Boat Unit worked 288 hours. During this timeframe the following types of enforcement were completed:
- Written Warnings – 42
- DNR Citations – 29
- During 2023, the Manitowoc Sheriff’s Office Boat Unit worked 315 hours. During this timeframe the following types of enforcement were completed:
- Written Warnings – 42
- DNR Citations – 26
Thursday, June 27, 2024 6:30 PM
Soil and Water Conservation Building, Room 300
4319 Expo Drive, Manitowoc, WI 54220
1) Lt. Mike Polich of the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Dept. will give us a brief presentation on their Boat Patrol program.
2) Did you know that one of MCLA’s first projects was partnering with others in the Silver Lake Restoration project? Join us this evening for a history lesson from Dave Pozorski on this project that occurred more than 25 years ago. Dave will give us details on the original construction of the Silver Lake County Park
5 to 10 minute social break followed by the MCLA general membership meeting:
a) Secretary’s report review for corrections/additions
b) Treasurer’s report
c) Follow up on wake surfing issue carried forward from prior meetings. Possible vote on resolution from MCLA to allow us to send our opinion to legislators. Copies of resolution will be available at meeting.
d) Newsletter update, deadline for articles.
e) Upcoming meetings schedule: Aug 29th, Sep 29th, Nov 21st
f) Voluntary Lake reports
g) Open time for Q/A and discussion
h) Adjourn