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A leader in protecting and promoting our county lakes, MCLA continues to:
- Publish two great newsletters per year, reaching over 1,400 individuals
- Maintain our Speakers Program, with expert presentations addressing member concerns
- Continue Aquatic Invasive Species education and monitoring activities
- Conduct, with Manitowoc Partners, Phragmites control treatments at Lake Michigan coastal sites
- Extend the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network activities
- Maintain a web page that has become the “go to” reference for county lakes
- With Manitowoc County Fish & Game, install a new Weyers Lake aerator
- Initiate a Carstens Lake watershed planning study with Stantec and LNRP; initiate a Carstens Lake Tributary Water Testing protocol w/ Lakeshore Water Institute
- Help launch a TMDL Program in Manitowoc County
- Host a Meet the Candidates Forum, to engage all Assembly candidates with environmental concerns
- Support Lakes Associations efforts such as the Silver Lake Remediation, the Pigeon Lake Treatment Funding, and the Carstens Lake Tile Blowout repairs
- Staff a booth at the County Fair to engage the general public
- Represent Lake Association interests at County Agency planning meetings
- Meet with local elected officials to address Water Quality issues
- Commissioned a Manitowoc County Water Quality and Home Value Assessment in 2018
As a state-qualified county-wide lake association, we are able to umbrella and obtain grants to help all lakes with public access.
- Sponsored Carstens and Weyers Lake to conduct a Lake Management Plan. Monitoring water samples and flow into Carstens Lake.
- Sponsored a DNR Lake Implementation Grant for Silver Lake to eradicate rough fish; to conduct an alum treatment, and a shoreline restoration project.
As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, the MCLA qualifies for donations and grants.
- DNR Lake Management Grant: to set up six shoreline restoration demonstration sites on county lakes and promote natural shorelines
- DNR Aquatic Invasive Species grant to promote a prevention program for invasive species in our county.
- Sponsored Harpts Lake Water Quality Study for 2009 to 2011.
- Sponsored the Billboards for Clean Boat Clean Waters to raise local awareness of invasive species in 2009.
MCLA introduces new ideas and programming to our members.
- Using a computer program, plotted the 100 foot setback mandated by state law, showing the remaining acreage available for fast boating on lakes allowing that type of activity.
- Conducted a comprehensive survey concerning safety and overcrowding conditions by casual lake users in regard to recreational use of county lakes.
- Monitors the needs or desire for legislation at various levels to govern recreational activities and access.
- Inventoried county lake ordinances to encourage continuity and uniformity of area lake ordinances that would reduce lake hopping between lake closures.
- Sponsored a program on toxic contaminants to county lakes users. Encouraged Manitowoc County to classify all county lakes and amend the County Shoreland Zoning ordinance to reflect the differences of development and protection needed to preserve these categories of lakes.
We encourage partnering and networking among Lake Stakeholders
- Partnered with the County Fish and Game Protective Association which represents over 30 sportsman clubs
- One of the first organizations in the state to interface between riparian landowners, lake users and interested citizens in lake management decisions.
- Encourage each Lake Association or Lake District to have a director on our board.
- Encourage lake owner participation in Town Land Use Planning to protect area lakes.
- Involvement of Manitowoc County lake groups with the Wisconsin Lakes Association.