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Phragmites australis is a common invasive reed grass. Once established, Phragmites can
- Compromise corridor visibility and safety, interfering with recreational lake access
- Clog culverts and drainage, disrupting utility service
- Increase fire hazards
- Increase costs for corridor maintenance
- Spread to adjacent lands
Manitowoc County Lakes Association has partnered with Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership and Lakeshore Invasive Species Management Area to sponsor the LAKE MICHIGAN SHORELINE PHRAGMITES CONTROL INITIATIVE.
Working with Stantec Consulting, the Manitowoc County Shoreline and Inland Phragmites Management Plan, 2015-2019 Treatment Period was submitted and approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. As of Feb 2015, an Aquatic Invasive Species Established Population Control Grant application is pending.
Proposed activities include:
- Mapping of infestation sites
- Educating landowners about Phragmites, and why treatment is important
- Soliciting landowner permission to treat their properties
- Coordinating contractor activities
- Educating and promoting landowner subsequent and maintenance treatments
- Lobbying Town and County officials to undertake eradication efforts on their lands
Read more about Phragmites and other invasive species threats here.
CONTACT: John Durbrow using the contact form
Manitowoc County Partners Receive Phragmites Control Grant
Manitowoc County Partners, comprising the Lakeshore Natural Resource Partnership, Stantec Environmental Consultants, the Manitowoc County Lakes Association (MCLA), and the Lakeshore Invasive Species Management Area (LISMA), recently received a DNR Phragmites Control Grant to reduce this rapidly spreading invasive plant. Phragmites is currently on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources list of restricted plants, and this grant will allow Manitowoc County Partners to aid those property owners with an infestation to obtain cost free initial control.
The spread of Phragmites in Manitowoc County has reduced access to beaches and riverfronts for recreational activities such as swimming and fishing, restricted lakefront views, and damaged walkways and structures along the beachfront.
Phragmites currently occurs as small to large scattered populations along the Manitowoc County shoreline; however, if left untreated, dense stands will spread relatively quickly along the shoreline and inland tributaries.
This project intends to build upon previous control efforts along the Lake Michigan shoreline and tributaries by expanding the treatment project area to areas where treatment has historically not occurred. The effort will work to educate landowners on the need for continued treatment beyond the scope of this 3-year project. This project will treat Phragmites within private and public lands, and is working towards treating 100% of the Lake Michigan shoreline in Manitowoc County.
All landowners in the treatment area will be contacted for permission to treat their property prior to control measures being undertaken.
For further information, contact John Durbrow using the contact form, or 920-726-4850.