Current and Ongoing Projects

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Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

MCLA is a regional leader in the prevention and spread of the invasive species threatening our lakes. MCLA conducts identification training sessions, conducts boat inspections, maintains boat cleaning stations and works with the DNR to help inventory and control the spread of AIS.

Ongoing MCLA projects targeting specific threats include:

What else is MCLA doing to control AIS in Manitowoc County? Read more.

Water Quality Monitoring

The Wisconsin DNR issued a 2013 grant to MCLA to test water chemistry in specified Manitowoc lakes. Water test results are located on the state website. Click here for more information on the water monitoring project and the current state of our lakes.

MCLA initiated, in conjunction with Manitowoc County Soil and Water Conservation, The Lakeshore Water Institute, and LNRP, a water testing project throughout the Carsten’s Lake Watershed to establish baseline phosphorus levels and potential reduction opportunities.

Wake Enhancement

Wake boats are boats with more power, larger ballast tanks, and the ability to create bigger waves. Concerns about the use of wake boats on Manitowoc County Lakes include the potential to disrupt aquatic like, the spread of invasive species from the ballasts, and the nuisance and damage their wakes create. The boating industry pushed to set standards in 2023, but the bill draft did not move forward in Wisconsin Legislature. That leaves the matter in the hands of local governments, which are beginning to pass ordinances that restrict or even ban boating activities that make bigger wakes.

Click here for more information on Wake Boats and MCLA recent discussions about it.


  • MCLA and Silver Lake Improvement District are working with Manitowoc County to reinstate a protective berm that prohibits contaminated runoff from polluting Silver Lake. Silver Creek was formerly diverted from Silver Lake to improve water quality, but the diversion was compromised by higher-than-anticipated flood waters. A restoration plan prepared for the County will create an adequate channel, and also revise the boat landing to facilitate launching and maneuvering of trailers. Remedial work will begin this spring.
  • The Manitowoc County Soil and Water Conservation Department Citizen Advisory Committee – The MCLA president is a member of this task committee, as are several other experts with different backgrounds. The team will determine prominent environmental issues concerning the county and set goals and develop an action plan that will be utilized by the Soil and Water Conservation Department for the next ten years.
  • Gene Weyer, past MCLA president, had initiated a program to reduce nutrient runoff into Carsten’s Lake by addressing damaged and inadequate field tile. The work continues with Soil and Water Conservation and UW-extension agents.
  • MCLA launched a pilot project in the Carsten’s Lake watershed to establish a comprehensive watershed approach aimed at addressing water quality in Carsten’s Lake. Stantec Consulting has initiated the planning with LNRP as the fiscal agent. Stantec anticipates moving into an implementation phase pending grant approvals. Read more about this project.

Habitat Monitoring and Improvement

  • MCLA is sponsoring monitoring cameras under the Wisconsin Snapshot program to document riparian animal populations.
  • A kit package for Floating Habitat Islands has been designed and prototyped and will be made available to provide protected nesting areas for ducks and aquatic amphibians.

Public Policy Initiatives

  • Your interests in clean waters and watersheds are promoted through political engagement and support of like-minded organizations.
  • MCLA serves as conduit for action requests to a number of agencies throughout the County.
Updated: September 1, 2024 — 9:28 am