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You can help improve YOUR COUNTY, YOUR LAKES and YOUR LEGACY by:

  1. Monitoring for invasive species in and around our lakes, including Phragmites and other aquatic invasive species. Free training is offered in May or June with the help of the Woodland Dunes Nature Center and preserve in Two Rivers. Those who complete training may then obtain access to and add data to the Wisconsin DNR’s Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System (SWIMS). Please contact MCLA if you are interested in becoming a monitor so that we may inform you when training is scheduled.
  2. Reporting problems you see on the lakes to MCLA. Contact MCLA
  3. Attending our free public meetings, featuring informative guest lecturers.
  4. Are you a professional looking for additional information about Lakeshore Development or Restoration? UW-Stevens Point has, in the past, offered the “Lakeshore Habitat Restoration Training for Professionals” training in June and Sept. Covered are Principles and Practices of Lake-Friendly Landscaping, Low Impact Development, Water Quality Conservation, and Erosion Control of Low Energy Sites on Inland Wisconsin Lakes. Please contact Patrick Goggin to inquire about future training plans.
Updated: February 18, 2017 — 8:19 pm

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