2024 MCLA Banquet and Annual Meeting Announcement
Sunday, September 29, 2024; RSVP by 9/20
at the Autumn Ridge Golf Course banquet hall, Pigeon Lake
1 Straight Drive, Valders, WI (directions)
4:00 PM – Social time with cash bar
5:30 PM – Buffet dinner
$20 per person
Please register in advance. Cost is payable at the door (cash or check payable to “MCLA” only).
RSVP info:
RSVP and door prize commitments due no later than Friday, Sept 20
Contact Gus Godpadorak at mypaintone@yahoo.com or phone/text (920) 901-6664
or contact Maria Lynch at mlynch1421@gmail.com or phone/text (773) 350-2591
Guest Speaker:
Shannon Davis-Faust
President, Wild Ones Fox Valley Area Chapter, will be discussing “Sowing Wellness: The Art of Landscaping for Water Quality and Community Well Being.” Shannon has her PhD in aquatic ecology from UW-Milwaukee and has widespread interests in native and invasive species, habitat restoration, and reconnecting people with nature. She presently teaches courses at UW Oshkosh in Biology and Environmental Studies.
Annual meeting, election of officers, awards, 50/50 raffle and door prizes will follow the speaker. Door prize donations from Lake Associations or individuals are welcomed.
Organized and hosted by the Pigeon Lake Association and the English Lake Association in conjunction with the Manitowoc County Lakes Association.