WI DNR News: Groundwater Coordinating Council Releases Recommendations to Improve Groundwater

Read the full article on the DNR website: Groundwater Coordinating Council Releases Recommendations to Improve Groundwater Quality and Quantity in Wisconsin

Sept 1, 2020 – Nearly 75% of Wisconsin residents rely on groundwater as the primary source for their drinking water. Wisconsin also relies on groundwater to irrigate crops, water cattle and process a wide variety of foods, as well as feed trout streams and spring-fed lakes—all of which are vital to our state economy.

The Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council, which supports the sustainable management of groundwater quantity and quality in the state, shared key recommendations for protecting and preserving groundwater resources with the Wisconsin legislature in its August 2020 annual report.

Three of the key recommendations found in the report address some of the most prevalent issues in Wisconsin water quality:

  • Protecting groundwater from nitrate and other agricultural contaminants;
  • Addressing public health and environmental concerns regarding perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals; and
  • Evaluating groundwater for viruses and other microbial pathogens.

For more information, read the full article
and visit dnr.wi.gov and search “Groundwater Coordinating Council.”



Updated: December 28, 2020 — 8:10 am

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