Are you a professional looking for additional information about Lakeshore Development or Restoration?
Attend Lakeshore Habitat Restoration Training for Professionals Principles and Practices of Lake-Friendly Landscaping, Low Impact Development, Water Quality Conservation, and Erosion Control of Low Energy Sites on Inland Wisconsin Lakes
2015 Training Dates: May 13-14 in Green Lake or June 18-19 in Siren; Coordinator Patrick Goggin, Wisconsin Lakes Partnership / UW-Extension Lakes. For more information email
A three-day course designed for those who perform and/or oversee lakeshore habitat restoration projects on inland lakes. For planners; landscapers; engineers; consultants; contractors and suppliers; erosion control specialists; state property land managers; municipal park staff; developers/builders; county staff in land and water conservation / zoning departments; tribal partners; state lake coordinators, regulators and water resource management specialists in lake country; lake educators and researchers; among others.