Updated Feb. 26, 2017—PAUL SKAWINSKI, Coordinator Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network UW Extension Lakes Program University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, sponsored in conjunction with Sanitary District #1, Cedar Lake. Originally published Feb. 14, 2017.
Paul will host a Citizen’s Lake Monitoring Network meeting with volunteers, and will resume the sampling at Cedar Lake on Friday, Feb. 17. Anyone wishing to observe should meet at the boat landing at 9:00am.. As the field events are subject to ice conditions, it is recommended that those attending verify times.
Below are photos from the field event contributed by Scott Otterson.
Paul’s presentation on “Life Beneath the Ice” and Wisconsin’s Citizen Lake Monitoring Network with samples of aquatic life from Cedar Lake, originally scheduled for Feb. 9th at LTC will be rescheduled for a later date.