Public Welcome!
Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30 PM
4319 Expo Drive (County Office Building) in Manitowoc – Room 300
Download this event flyer and share!
Assembly District 1: Rep. Joel Kitchens, Lynn Utesch
Assembly District 2: Mark Grams*, Rep. Andre Jacque
Assembly District 25: Ron Kossik*, Rep. Paul Tittl*
Assembly District 27: Nanette Bulebosh*, Rep. Tyler Vorpagel*
*confirmed attendance, others probable.
Please see for a map of the respective districts.
The list of the most respected “prophets” of the environmental ethic shows that a preponderance, John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and Gaylord Nelson, either were from or resided in Wisconsin. At a recent conference, a speaker chided the audience that Wisconsin has monopolized the ecology movement, as she was obligated to three events in the State with-in the month. Manitowoc County is home to more sportsmen’s, conservation, and other clubs related to environmental issues that any other county in the State. Clearly, Wisconsin’s, and this County’s legacy of concern for environmental quality is long established and deeply rooted.
To facilitate harmony between representative governance and residents of Manitowoc County, the Manitowoc County Lakes Organization is hosting a forum wherein the candidates for the four assembly districts within the county are respectively requested to present their proposed response to the values espoused in the MCLA mission statement (above) and broader environmental concerns. Each candidate attending will introduce themselves and their positions, followed by a Q&A from the audience, and ending with a coffee and dessert mingle. This event is a wonderful opportunity to meet your future Representative!
We greatly appreciate the efforts the candidates are making to accommodate this MEET THE CANIDATES FORUM format. We hope you will join us.
“The Manitowoc County Lakes Association will protect and enhance the quality of area lakes and watersheds for the benefit of all.”