All are encouraged to attend the August 24 MCLA meeting!
The guest speaker will be David Wetenkamp, Director of the Manitowoc County
Dept. of Soil and Water. He will present an update on the activities of the department.
Date: Thursday, August 24, 2023 Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Soil and Water Conservation building
4319 Expo Drive, Room 300, Manitowoc
Planned agenda
1) Presentation by David Wetenkamp
2) 5-10 minute social break
3) MCLA general membership meeting
a) Secretary’s report
b) Treasurer’s report
c) Carsten’s Lake project status update, sedimentation basin permit from DNR
d) Upcoming meetings: 10/13/23 annual meeting/banquet
e) Voluntary Lake reports (if time permits)
f) Open time for any questions/discussion (if time permits)
g) Adjourn